heyyy. lame gile weh tak hupdate blog kite ni. serius rindu sgt2 nak update. tp ntah ngape line jd mengong sikit. *tampo line. dush.
owh ekceli this thingy ni aku nak post last week. since my brokbang ni ade problem, so, i guess u know what i want to say kann. hehe.
its ekceli reunion kuliah, but since 12 people je yg datang. so we call it as "lepak" je!! frust sbb tak ramai datang. but its okey then, its still enjoyable n fun!! hehe.
and yg paling funny for me, pusing satu pd just to find our place. n the worst part, kite org tanye that place kat indonesian yg tak tahu pape. n lg worst, that place tak sampai 5 mnit pown kalau jalan kaki dari tempt kite org tanye indonesian tu. = ='
as we just staying PD for 1 night only. so we fully utilized all the day we've been together. sampai sampai je, petang tu teros pg pantai. girls sume bajet takmo basah, naik lah boat yg tarik banana boat, teman kan boys naik banana boats tu. but as we sampai kat tengah laut je teros hujan lebat. yg taknk basah memang kuyup lah basah nye kan. =___=
and that night we went pantai again. after that we lepak kat air gelas besar kat bandar tentera tu. *lupe lak name kedai tu.hee.* i think we lepak there till 2 am kowt. ntah lah, but lewat jugak lah.
after that we gone back to our place, all the boys sume berpakat nk kene kan one of our friend, ijam. bcoz that day was his birthday. deorang campor sos ape lah dalam gelas n the smell of that mix sos so horrible tau. sume ckp nk muntah bau that sos. nasib baik hidung aku that day tak ley pakai. tesumbat. kesian pulak tengok kat ijam tu. that is one of the sweet memory aku takkan lupe. happy sangat sangat. ^___^
end up mlm tu aku tido pukol 4 lebih nk dekat pukol 5 kowt, tengok boys main daun terop. pikir kan esok nk drive so kene lah tido kan. lau tak rase nye belom tido lagi tu. =D
and that morning before we gone back to place masing2. we went pantai again for mandi. kite naik banana boat ramai2. nasib baik pakai pelampong. lau tak da lame da tanggelam kat dasar laut. haihh.
so lets layan some of the picture. aku tak edit pown. malas. ^___^
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peace!! hee. |
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the boys a.k.a kanak kanak riang. =P |
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seriously tak perasan 's' takde kat situ. n it seems quite awkward.*if u know what i mean. =P |
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that night. =) |
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seriuosly will miss that moment. n pantai. T___T |
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its us!! mase nak balik. and at back tu la tmpat kite org menginap. =) |